This is Solomon! He is my one and only furbaby I talk about all the time! If you haven't heard of him, you haven't been listening! LOL He is all heart! He calls me Maw Maw and he goes where I go. When we first met, it was love at first sight! He was a rescue dog of my son's when he was in college. Of course, like most college kids, he hadn't thought it through. And after moving in with someone else who had 2 dogs living with them already, it was decided that Sol would be staying with Maw Maw and Paw Paw a few months until other living arrangements were made. (He) my son moved a total of 5 more times since that. And as you've probably already guessed, Sol stayed put. For more reasons than 1, the upper most reason being, Maw Maw wouldn't let him out of her sight, he's been with us since. Just a minute. Somebody needed some scratching. Hehe He must have known I was talking about him! When he sees me sitting still on the computer or at the sewing machine is his chance to move in for attention!

I'm working on my Annie in the Garden Redwork quilt at the moment, but I have Christmas ideas brewing in my head! Lots of ideas! I'll share with everyone as soon as I can!