Here is Agatha, so sweet and Prim! Victoria, from the doll group I belong to, made Agatha for me and swapped for Annie Valentine doll swap. This was her first grungy doll and I think she did a wonderful job! Agatha sits on my bookcase with some other dollies. I just love her to bits!!
The Valentine doll(s) I made went to Janene.

These were so fun to make. It was a set and the biggest doll had "Valentine Friends" stitched on the apron. The little dolls are My Raggedy Dolls patterns for Belindy and Annie. The bigger doll I just kinda made. Janene loved them.
Doll Making is one of the most pleasureable thing to do for me. I'd make dolls every day if I could!!! You can get so creative with the little dresses and stitching on faces and hair. Funnnn fun fun!
Check out these fun dolls I made for a challenge. This is a pattern by Stella of Dolls on Parade. Her link is on the side bar ---------> hehe!!
This pair was the first doll making I've done! Stella got me hooked!! Their names are Toddy and Mee and they sit on an itty bitty couch with throw cushions! When I was baking that couch in the oven, I was lovin' how it browned up! LOL Everyone should make this pair of dollies!! They are sooooooo adorable!

Need to email me? I welcome comments, suggestions, questions so go right ahead!